Privacy policy

BLÆST is part of Aalesund Protective Wear AS (from now on referred to as AAPW). Here, we will provide an overview of the information we process and why we do it.

Last updated: 29.05.24

Who processes your data?

Aalesund Protective Wear is responsible for processing personal information gathered through and making sure it’s in line with the General Data Protection Regulation.

We process data for customers of AAPW, as well as all the underlying brands:

  • Strakofa


  • Regatta

  • Aalesund Oljeklede

If you have questions about our privacy policy, feel free to contact us:

Aalesund Protective Wear AS
Nørvevika 62
6008 Ålesund, Norway


The information we process

What information we process depends on your behavior when visiting our digital channels. Sometimes, we process information directly linked to you. In other cases, it’s more indirect.

We process your information when:

  • You contact us via the contact form, e-mail, or social media.

  • You subscribe to newsletters.

  • You apply for one of our vacancies.

  • You visit one of our websites, including

  • You create a user on one of our websites.

  • You complete an order on our website.

  • One of our retailers pass on your information in connection with your product orders or other requests.

The information we process:

  • Name.

  • Contact information (for instance address, e-mail, telephone number).

  • Payment information (for instance time of transaction).

  • Organisation number.

  • Information you share with us when you send an e-mail or message us on social media. To give you a good answer and help you further, we will then process the necessary information.

On our websites, we also use necessary information cookies. You can read more about this in a separate section.

Why do we process your personal information?

We only process information that is relevant for us to be able to help you. This may be:

  • Information that enables us to handle your inquiries, orders, and purchases, as well as ship your goods to you.

  • Information relating to your user account to let you view your purchase history, update contact information, or similar.

  • Information we need to fulfill legal obligations.

Anonymous information

In addition to the personal information we process, we also gather some anonymous data. This could be how many people visits a page and when, what people type in our search field, and what devices people use when they visit We do this to learn more about our customers so we can optimize our web shop and provide better and more relevant content.

Information cookies

We use information cookies on, and combine necessary cookies with preference, statistics, and marketing cookies. It is stated by law that we may store cookies on your device if they are strictly necessary for the operation of this site. For all other types of cookies, we need your permission.

We use cookies to keep track of which items you have placed in the shopping basket, to provide you with the necessary information in your user account, and to obtain statistics from the website to analyze our traffic. We also use cookies to make our advertisements more relevant for you.

It is stated by law that we may store cookies on your device if they are strictly necessary for the operation of this site. For all other types of cookies, we need your permission. You can manage the cookies yourself via your browser and through our cookie preference settings.

You can read more about our use of cookies and update your cookie preferences.


We only store the information you provide when you sign up for our newsletters, and we will only use it to send you relevant news and offers. If you no longer wish to receive newsletters from us, you can unsubscribe anytime.

Sharing and transfer of personal information

Sometimes, we’ll have to share your information with our partners – but we only do this when necessary, and we only share relevant data. The exceptions are data you’ve given us permission to share with third parties by accepting our cookie policy.

We have data processor agreements in place with our partners as well. These are currently in Norwegian, but you can contact us if you want to read them.


We are, for instance, using Adyen as a payment solution. They offer several payment options, from Paypal to Klarna, and your information will therefore be shared with both Adyen and the provider of the payment option you choose at check-out (like Klarna). We only share the data necessary to complete the transaction, like name, order information, and the information you add during check-out. Your data will be handled with care, and you can read more about what information Adyen processes and how in their privacy policy.


We have also partnered with Ingrid to provide you the best possible shipping options, which means information relevant for delivery is shared with them and the shipping option you choose at check-out. You can read more about how they process your data in Ingrid’s privacy policy.

Other partners

In addition to the above, we share information about how you use our website with our technology partner and our partners in social media, advertising, and analytics. This information may be combined with other information you have made available to them through your cookie preferences or collected by them through your use of their services.

Today, we use Google Analytics (GA4) and Facebook Pixel. Our website is created on Storyblok and you can read more about how Storyblok handle personal information in their privacy statement. We’ve partnered with Frend to build and develop our website, and they also have a privacy policy outlining how they process your information.

Storage of personal information

We process your information in line with applicable laws, meaning we do not store your personal data longer than necessary.

In practical terms, we will remove information when it is no longer relevant or necessary for analyses and the purposes for which it was collected. We will not use information about purchase transactions older than three years for marketing purposes.

However, all processing of personal information will always ensure high security and confidentiality.

Your rights

We want to be open and transparent. You can, therefore, request access to the personal information we process about you. You may also ask us to update the information we have stored about you if it needs to be corrected.

In some situations, you may also require us to:

  • Delete your personal information.

  • Limit the processing of your personal information.

You can read more about your rights on the Norwegian Data Protection Authority's website. Most of the information is in Norwegian, but they have some pages in English

If you believe that we do not process your information in accordance with the applicable laws, you can complain to the Norwegian supervisory authority, Datatilsynet, at