From the first-rate fabric to the strength in every stitch, we design for durability. Each new piece is blasted and beaten through our stress-tests to make sure our clothes won’t let you down. We are not blind to the challenges our industry poses. And this is how we try to contribute towards change.
Designed to last
Fashion is expressing a personality. It’s a layer of protection. It’s fun. It’s comfortable. But it also has a dark side. One people tend to forget. The cheap materials that don’t survive the washing machine. The pressure to be trendy and buying far more than we need. The mountains of clothes emerging in landfills across Latin America, Africa, and Asia.
That is why one of our brand promises is “designed to last.” It’s the core of our design philosophy. We select fabrics that are versatile and durable, colours that stay relevant, and styles that never go, well, out of style. This is crucial to reduce the environmental footprint of our production, and to ensure that the clothes you buy don’t end up in a clothing landfill after being used a few times.
We want you to love your BLÆST and use it well. And if it no longer fits or you grow tired of it, we hope you’ll sell it in a second-hand shop or pass it on to a friend or relative.

A new life for almost perfect items
Like many other brands, we have products that can’t be sold in regular stores or our web shop. This can be samples or items that have a minor fault or two. The clothes, however, are almost as good as new and can still serve their purpose.
To give these items a second chance and reduce waste, we’ve partnered with Tise – a marketplace for second-hand fashion and interiors. Since we started this journey, we’ve sold more than 250 styles that otherwise would have gone to waste.
If you live in Norway, you can check out our page on Tise.
Packaging and shipping
In addition to the fabrics used to create products, we are also working on improving how we send the styles to our customers. Therefore, we’ve partnered with Goods to find more environmentally friendly packaging options, which we’ll implement in 2024. Once we have the final plans in place, we’ll update this section with more information.
We are also a part of Aalesund Protective Wear, and together we’ve signed Grønt Punkt Norge’s (Green Dot Norway) Plastic pledge. By doing this, we commit to finding ways to ensure that plastic packaging can easily be recycled.
Responsible Supply Chain – the Norwegian Transparency Act
As a part of Aalesund Protective Wear (AAPW), we’ve been a member of Ethical Trade Norway (Etisk handel Norge) since 2022. Through this, we commit ourselves to perform a thorough review of how we promote and collaborate for a trade ensuring human rights, labour rights, development, and the environment.
AAPW has established a supplier due diligence process to select, onboard and develop suppliers. We have, therefore, developed a policy for sustainable supply chain and a supplier code of conduct.
You can read more about this in our Transparency Act Statement (in Norwegian), which is our annual statement to Ethical Trade Norway.